Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation and Discovery – George E. P. Box, J. Stuart Hunter, William G. Hunter – 2nd Edition


Reescrita y actualizada, esta nueva edición de “Statistics for Experimenters” adopta los mismos enfoques que la primera edición al enseñar con ejemplos, gráficos fáciles de entender y el uso apropiado de las computadoras.

Catalizando la innovación, la resolución de problemas y el descubrimiento, la Segunda Edición proporciona a los experimentadores las herramientas científicas y estadísticas necesarias para maximizar el conocimiento obtenido de los datos de la investigación, ilustrando cómo estas herramientas pueden utilizarse mejor en todas las etapas del proceso de investigación. El enfoque práctico de los autores comienza con un problema que debe resolverse y luego examina los métodos estadísticos apropiados de diseño y análisis.

Con una accesibilidad aún mayor para sus usuarios, la Segunda Edición se revisa y actualiza a fondo para reflejar los cambios en las técnicas y tecnologías desde la publicación de la Primera Edición.

Entre los nuevos temas incluidos están:

* Análisis gráfico de varianza
* Análisis informático de diseños complejos
* Simplificación por transformación
* Experimentación práctica utilizando métodos de servicio de respuesta
* Desarrollo adicional de productos robustos y diseño de procesos utilizando arreglos de parcelas divididas y minimización de la transmisión de errores.
* Introducción al control de procesos, pronósticos y series de tiempo
* Ilustraciones que demuestran cómo se pueden resolver los problemas de respuesta múltiple utilizando los conceptos de espacios de factores activos e inertes y espacios canónicos
* Enfoques bayesianos para la selección de modelos y la experimentación secuencial

Se proporciona un apéndice con citas de Quaquaversal de una variedad de fuentes que incluyen estadísticos y científicos destacados a filósofos famosos para ilustrar conceptos clave y animar el proceso de aprendizaje.

Todos los cálculos en la Segunda Edición se pueden hacer usando el lenguaje estadístico R. Las funciones para mostrar gráficos de ANOVA y lamba, el cribado bayesiano y la construcción de modelos están incluidos y los paquetes R están disponibles en línea. Todos estos temas también se pueden aplicar utilizando paquetes de software comerciales fáciles de usar.

Completo con aplicaciones que cubren las ciencias físicas, de ingeniería, biológicas y sociales, Statistics for Experimenters está diseñado para personas que deben usar enfoques estadísticos para realizar un experimento, pero no necesariamente tienen capacitación formal en estadística. Los experimentadores solo necesitan una comprensión básica de las matemáticas para dominar todos los métodos estadísticos presentados. Este texto es una referencia esencial para todos los investigadores y es un libro de cursos altamente recomendado para estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado.

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  • Preface to the Second Edition.

    Chapter 1. Catalizing the Generation of Knowledge.
    1.1. The Learning Process.
    1.2. Important Considerations.
    1.3. The Experimenter’s Problem and Statistical Methods.
    1.4. A Typical Investigation.
    1.5. How to Use Statistical Techniques.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 2. Basics: Probability, Parameters and Statistics.
    2.1. Experimental Error.
    2.2. Distributions.
    2.3. Statistics and Parameters.
    2.4. Measures of Location and Spread.
    2.5. The Normal Distribution.
    2.6. Normal Probability Plots.
    2.7. Randomness and Random Variables.
    2.8. Covariance and Correlation as Measures of Linear Dependence.
    2.9. Student’s t Distribution.
    2.10. Estimates of Parameters.
    2.11. Random Sampling from a Normal Population.
    2.12. The Chi-Square and F Distributions.
    2.13. The Binomial Distribution.
    2.14. The Poisson Distribution.
    Appendix 2A. Mean and Variance of Linear Combinations of Observations.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 3. Comparing Two Entities: Relevant Reference Distributions, Tests and Confidence Intervals.
    3.1. Relevant Reference Sets and Distributions.
    3.2. Randomized Paired Comparison Design: Boys’ Shoes Example.
    3.3. Blocking and Randomization.
    3.4. Reprise: Comparison, Replication, Randomization, and Blocking in Simple Experiments.
    3.5. More on Significance Tests.
    3.6. Inferences About Data that are Discrete: Binomial Distribution.
    3.7. Inferences about Frequencies (Counts Per Unit): The Poisson Distribution.
    3.8. Contingency Tables and Tests of Association.
    Appendix 3A. Comparison of the Robustness of Tests to Compare Two Entities.
    Appendix 3B. Calculation of reference distribution from past data.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 4. Comparing a Number of Entities: Randomized Blocks and Latin Squares.
    4.1. Comparing k Treatments in a Fully Randomized Design.
    4.2. Randomized Block Designs.
    4.3. A Preliminary Note on Split-Plot Experiments and their Relationship to Randomized Blocks.
    4.4. More than one blocking component: Latin Squares.
    4.5. Balanced Incomplete Block Designs.
    Appendix 4A. The Rationale for the Graphical ANOVA.
    Appendix 4B. Some Useful Latin Square, Graeco–Latin Square, and Hyper-Graeco–Latin Square Designs.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 5. Factorial Designs at Two Levels: Advantages of Experimental Design.
    5.1. Introduction.
    5.2. Example 1: The Effects of Three Factors (Variables) on Clarity of Film.
    5.3. Example 2: The Effects of Three Factors on Three Physical Properties of a Polymer Solution.
    5.4. A 23 Factorial Design: Pilot Plant Investigation.
    5.5. Calculation of Main Effects.
    5.6. Interaction Effects.
    5.7. Genuine Replicate Runs.
    5.8. Interpretation of Results.
    5.9. The Table of Contrasts.
    5.10. Misuse of the ANOVA for 2k Factorial Experiments.
    5.11. Eyeing the Data.
    5.12. Dealing with More Than One Response: A Pet Food Experiment.
    5.13. A 24 Factorial Design: Process Development Study.
    5.14. Analysis Using Normal and Lenth Plots.
    5.15. Other Models for Factorial Data.
    5.16. Blocking the 2k Factorial Designs.
    5.17. Learning by Doing.
    5.18. Summary.
    Appendix 5A. Blocking Larger Factorial Designs.
    Appendix 5B. Partial Confounding.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 6. Fraction Factorial Designs: Economy in Experimentation.
    6.1. Effects of Five Factors on Six Properties of Films in Eight Runs.
    6.2. Stability of New Product, Four Factors in Eight Runs, a 24?1 Design.
    6.3. A Half-Fraction Example: The Modification of a Bearing.
    6.4. The Anatomy of the Half Fraction.
    6.5. The 27?4III Design: A Bicycle Example.
    6.6. Eight-Run Designs.
    6.7. Using Table 6.6: An Illustration.
    6.8. Sign Switching, Foldover, and Sequential Assembly.
    6.9. An Investigation Using Multiple-Column Foldover.
    6.10. Increasing Design Resolution from III to IV by Foldover.
    6.11. Sixteen-Run Designs.
    6.12. The 25?1 Nodal Half Replicate of the 25 Factorial: Reactor Example.
    6.13. The 28?4 IV Nodal Sixteenth Fraction of a 28 Factorial.
    6.14. The 215?11 III Nodal Design: The Sixty-Fourth Fraction of the 215 Factorial.
    6.15. Constructing Other Two-Level Fractions.
    6.16. Elimination of Block Effects.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 7. Other Fractionals, Analysis and Choosing Follow-up Runs.
    7.1. Plackett and Burman Designs.
    7.2. Choosing Follow-Up Runs.
    7.3. Justifications for the Use of Fractionals.
    Appendix 7A. Technical Details.
    Appendix 7B. An Approximate Partial Analysis for PB Designs.
    Appendix 7C. Hall’s Orthogonal Designs.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 8. Factorial Designs and Data Transformation.
    8.1. A Two-Way (Factorial) Design.
    8.2. Simplification and Increased Sensitivity from Transformation.
    Appendix 8A. Rationale for Data Transformation.
    Appendix 8B. Bartlett’s ?2? for Testing Inhomogeneity of Variance.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 9. Multiple Sources of Variation: Split Plot Designs, Variance Components and Error Transmission.
    9.1. Split-Plot Designs, Variance Components, and Error Transmission.
    9.2. Split-Plot Designs.
    9.3. Estimating Variance Components.
    9.4. Transmission of Error.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 10. Least Squares and Why You Need to Design Experiments.
    10.1. Estimation With Least Squares.
    10.2. The Versatility of Least Squares.
    10.3. The Origins of Experimental Design.
    10.4. Nonlinear Models.
    Appendix 10A. Vector Representation of Statistical Concepts.
    Appendix 10B. Matrix Version of Least Squares.
    Appendix 10C. Analysis of Factorials, Botched and Otherwise.
    Appendix 10D. Unweighted and Weighted Least Squares.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 11. Modelling Relationships, Sequential Assembly: Basics for Response Surface Methods.
    11.1. Some Empirical Models.
    11.2. Some Experimental Designs and the Design Information Function.
    11.3. Is the Surface Sufficiently Well Estimated?
    11.4. Sequential Design Strategy.
    11.5. Canonical Analysis.
    11.6. Box–Behnken Designs.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 12. Some Applications of Response Surface Methods.
    12.1. Iterative Experimentation To Improve a Product Design.
    12.2. Simplification of a Response Function by Data Transformation.
    12.3. Detecting and Exploiting Active and Inactive Factor Spaces for Multiple-Response Data.
    12.4. Exploring Canonical Factor Spaces.
    12.5. From Empiricism to Mechanism.
    12.6. Uses of RSM.
    Appendix 12A. Average Variance of ˆy.
    Appendix 12B.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 13. Designing Robust Products: An Introduction.
    13.1. Environmental Robustness.
    13.2. Robustness To Component Variation.
    Appendix 13A. A Mathematical Formulation for Environmental Robustness.
    Appendix 13B. Choice of Criteria.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 14. Process Control, Forecasting and Times Series: An Introduction.
    14.1. Process Monitoring.
    14.2. The Exponentially Weighted Moving Average.
    14.3. The CuSum Chart.
    14.4. Process Adjustment.
    14.5. A Brief Look At Some Time Series Models and Applications.
    14.6. Using a Model to Make a Forecast.
    14.7. Intervention Analysis: A Los Angeles Air Pollution Example.
    References and Further Reading.

    Chapter 15. Evolutionary Process Operation.
    15.1. More than One Factor.
    15.2. Multiple Responses.
    15.3. The Evolutionary Process Operation Committee.
    References and Further Reading.
    Appendix Tables.
    Author Index.
    Subject Index.
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