[PDF] ARM Assembly Language With Hardware Experiments - Ata Elahi, Trevor Arjeski - 1st Edition

ARM Assembly Language with Hardware Experiments – Ata Elahi, Trevor Arjeski – 1st Edition


ARM es uno de los proveedores líderes de microprocesadores para todo el mundo. ARM ha diseñado y desarrollado una CPU que las empresas asociadas pueden fabricar y agregar más periféricos al procesador. Un procesador ARM tiene una amplia gama de aplicaciones en la tecnología actual, como teléfonos móviles, tabletas, televisores y automóviles.

Aprender el conjunto de instrucciones ARM y la programación de ensamblaje ARM es una herramienta esencial en el desarrollo de aplicaciones de bajo nivel para el procesador ARM. Los ingenieros se beneficiarán significativamente de la comprensión de la arquitectura informática y el lenguaje ensamblador, especialmente si trabajan en una industria donde el rendimiento es crucial o se está desarrollando hardware.

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  • 1 Number Systems and Data Communication
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Analog Signals
    1.3 Digital Signals
    1.4 Number System
    1.5 Coding Schemes
    1.6 Clock
    1.7 Transmission Modes
    1.8 Transmission Methods
    2 Logic Gates and Introduction to Computer Architecture
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Logic Gates
    2.3 Integrated Circuit (IC) Classification
    2.4 Registers
    2.5 Introduction to Computer Architecture
    2.6 Memory
    2.7 Multiplexer and Decoder
    3 ARM Instructions Part I
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
    3.3 ARM Instructions
    3.4 Register Swap Instructions (MOV and MVN)
    3.5 Shift and Rotate Instructions
    3.6 ARM Unconditional Instructions and Conditional Instructions
    3.7 ARM Data Processing Instruction Format
    3.8 Stack Operation and Instructions
    3.9 Branch (B) and Branch with Link Instruction (BL)
    3.10? Multiply (MUL) and Multiply-Accumulate (MLA) Instructions
    4 ARM Instructions and Part II
    4.1 ARM Data Transfer Instructions
    4.2 ARM Addressing Mode
    4.3 Data Transfer Instruction Format
    4.4 Block Transfer Instruction and Instruction Format
    4.5 Swap Memory and Register (SWAP)
    4.6 Bits Field Instructions
    4.7 Data Representation and Memory
    5 ARM Assembly Language Programming Using Keil Development Tools Introduction
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Keil Development Tools for ARM Assembly
    5.3 Program Template
    5.4 Programming Rules
    5.5 Directives
    6 ARM Cortex-M3 Processor and MBED NXP LPC1768
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 MBED NXP LPC1768
    6.3 Basic GPIO Programming
    6.4 Flashing the NXP LPC1768
    7 Lab Experiments
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Lab#1 Binary Counter Using Onboard LEDs
    7.3 Lab2: Configuring the Real-Time Clock (RTC)
    7.4 Lab#3 Configuring Analog-To-Digital Converter (ADC)
    7.5 Lab #4: Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
    7.6 Experiment #5: Binary to Hexadecimal Display
    7.7 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
    Solution to the Problems and Questions
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