[PDF] Distillation: Operation And Applications - Andrzej Górak, Hartmut Schoenmakers - 1st Edition

Distillation: Operation and Applications – Andrzej Górak, Hartmut Schoenmakers – 1st Edition


Destilación: operación y aplicaciones, ganador del Premio PROSE 2015 en Química y Física de la Asociación de Editores Estadounidenses, es una fuente única de información autorizada sobre todos los aspectos de la teoría y la práctica de la destilación moderna, adecuada para estudiantes avanzados y profesionales que trabajan en un laboratorio, plantas industriales o una capacidad gerencial.

Aborda las investigaciones más importantes y actuales sobre destilación industrial, incluidos todos los pasos en el diseño del proceso (estudio de factibilidad, modelado y validación experimental), junto con aspectos de operación y control. Este volumen presenta un enfoque adicional en las aplicaciones de destilación.

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  • Preface to the Distillation Collection
    Preface to Distillation: Operation and Applications
    List of Contributors
    List of Symbols and Abbreviations

    Chapter 1. Distillation Control
    1.1. Introduction
    1.2. Basic control issues
    1.3. Choosing a control structure
    1.4. Feed composition sensitivity analysis
    1.5. High RR columns
    1.6. Control tray selection
    1.7. Controller tuning
    1.8. Use of ratios and cascade control
    1.9. More complex columns
    1.10. Columns in a plant-wide environment
    1.11. Conclusion

    Chapter 2. Common Techniques for Distillation Troubleshooting
    2.1. Causes of column malfunctions
    Part A: Column troubleshooting: how to investigate
    Part B: Column troubleshooting—the tools

    Chapter 3. Column Performance Testing Procedures
    3.1. Introduction
    3.2. Existing test facilities
    3.3. Definition and terminology
    3.4. Test design and planning
    3.5. Mode of operations
    3.6. Test column and auxiliary equipment
    3.7. Reflux heating
    3.8. Test systems and physical properties
    3.9. Preparing for installation
    3.10. Packed column installation
    3.11. Trayed column installation
    3.12. Operation and measurements
    3.13. Measurements
    3.14. Test procedure
    3.15. Data reduction
    3.16. Experimental errors and test troubleshooting
    3.17. Documentation and reporting

    Chapter 4. Distillation in Refining
    4.1. Scale of the operation
    4.2. Refinery flow schemes
    4.3. Crude oil characterization
    4.4. Refinery crude and vacuum units
    4.5. Basic principles of crude units
    4.6. Crude vacuum units
    4.7. Key factors affecting the fractionation quality
    4.8. Column internals for refining applications
    4.9. Hazards of pyrophoric scale
    4.10. Other distillation units in refining

    Chapter 5. Distillation of Bulk Chemicals
    5.1. General industrial separations
    5.2. Industrial distillation examples
    5.3. Conclusion

    Chapter 6. Air Distillation
    6.1. Introduction
    6.2. Process
    6.3. Column internals
    6.4. Conclusion

    Chapter 7. Distillation of Specialty Chemicals
    7.1. Introduction
    7.2. Distillation at low liquid load
    7.3. Reactive distillation
    7.4. Fouling
    7.5. Aqueous systems
    7.6. Modeling, simulation, and scale-up: a conclusion

    Chapter 8. Distillation in Bioprocessing
    8.1. Introduction
    8.2. White biotechnology and biobased processes
    8.3. Red biotechnology
    8.4. Conventional, hybrid and advanced nonreactive distillation processes
    8.5. Conventional, hybrid and advanced reactive distillation processes
    8.6. Discussion and outlook

    Chapter 9. Special Distillation Applications
    9.1. Short path distillation
    9.2. HiGee distillation
    9.3. Microdistillation
    9.4. Membrane distillation
    9.5. Microwave-assisted distillation
    9.6. Conclusions

    Chapter 10. New Separating Agents for Distillation
    10.1. Introduction
    10.2. Fundamentals
    10.3. Solvent families
    10.4. Separation examples
    10.5. Conclusions
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