Genetics (Schaum´s Outlines) – William Stansfield, Susan L. Elrod – 5th Edition


Más de 40 millones de estudiantes han confiado en Schaum’s para tener éxito en el aula y en los exámenes. Schaum’s es la clave para aprender más rápido y sacar mejores notas en todas las asignaturas. Cada esquema presenta toda la información esencial del curso en un formato fácil de seguir, tema por tema. También tiene cientos de ejemplos, problemas resueltos y ejercicios de práctica para poner a prueba sus conocimientos.

Este Schaum’s Outline le ofrece
– 450 problemas completamente resueltos.
– Repaso completo de todos los fundamentos del curso.
– Cientos de ejemplos con explicaciones de los conceptos de genética.
– Ejercicios para ayudarle a comprobar su dominio de la genética.

Totalmente compatible con su texto de clase, Schaum’s destaca todos los hechos importantes que necesita saber. Utilice Schaum’s para acortar su tiempo de estudio y obtener sus mejores resultados en los exámenes.

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  • Chapter 1 The Physical Basis of Heredity
    1.1 Genetics
    1.2 Cells
    1.3 Chromosomes
    1.4 Cell Division and Reproduction
    1.5 Mendels Laws of Inheritance
    1.6 Gametogenesis
    1.7 Genetic Model Systems

    Chapter 2 Patterns of Inheritance
    2.1 Terminology
    2.2 Dominant and Recessive Alleles
    2.3 Crosses Involving Single Genes
    2.4 Other Allelic Relationships
    2.5 Probability Theory
    2.6 Statistical Distributions
    2.7 Crosses Involving Two or More Genes
    2.8 Testing Genetic Ratios
    2.9 Pedigree Analysis

    Chapter 3 The Biochemical Basis of Heredity
    3.1 Nucleic Acids
    3.2 Protein Structure
    3.3 Genetic Information Flow
    3.4 Defining the Gene
    3.5 Protein Synthesis
    3.6 DNA Replication
    3.7 Mutations
    3.8 DNA Repair

    Chapter 4 Genetic Interactions
    4.1 Two-Factor Interactions
    4.2 Epistatic Interactions
    4.3 Pedigree Analysis
    4.4 Nonepistatic Interactions
    4.5 Interactions with Three or More Factors
    4.6 Pleiotropism

    Chapter 5 The Genetics of Sex
    5.1 The Importance of Sex
    5.2 Sex-Determining Mechanisms
    5.3 Sex-Linked Inheritance
    5.4 Variations of Sex Linkage
    5.5 Sex-Influenced Traits
    5.6 Sex-Limited Traits
    5.7 Sex Reversal
    5.8 Sexual Phenomena in Plants

    Chapter 6 Linkage and Chromosome Mapping
    6.1 Recombination Among Linked Genes
    6.2 Genetic Mapping
    6.3 Linkage Estimates from F[Sub(2)] Data
    6.4 Use of Genetic Maps
    6.5 Crossover Suppression
    6.6 Tetrad Analysis in Fungi
    6.7 Recombination Mapping with Tetrads

    Chapter 7 Cytogenetics
    7.1 The Union of Cytology with Genetics
    7.2 Chromosome Structure
    7.3 Variation in Chromosome Number
    7.4 Variation in Chromosome Size
    7.5 Variation in the Arrangement of Chromosome Segments
    7.6 Variation in the Number of Chromosome Segments
    7.7 Variation in Chromosome Morphology
    7.8 Human Cytogenetics

    Chapter 8 Quantitative Genetics
    8.1 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Traits
    8.2 Polygenic Traits
    8.3 The Normal Distribution
    8.4 Types of Gene Action
    8.5 Heritability
    8.6 Selection Methods
    8.7 Mating Methods

    Chapter 9 Population Genetics and Evolution
    9.1 Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
    9.2 Calculating Gene Frequencies
    9.3 Testing a Locus for Equilibrium
    9.4 Natural Selection and Evolution

    Chapter 10 Genetics of Bacteria
    10.1 Characteristics of Bacteria
    10.2 Culture Techniques
    10.3 Bacterial Phenotypes and Genotypes
    10.4 Isolation of Bacterial Mutants
    10.5 Bacterial DNA Replication and Cell Division
    10.6 Bacterial Transcription
    10.7 Bacterial Translation
    10.8 Genetic Recombination
    10.9 Regulation of Bacterial Gene Activity
    10.10 Mapping the Bacterial Chromosome
    Chapter 11 Viruses, Transposable Elements, and Cancer
    11.1 Viruses
    11.2 Bacteriophages
    11.3 Eukaryotic Viruses
    11.4 Transposable Elements
    11.5 Cancer

    Chapter 12 Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
    12.1 History
    12.2 Recombinant DNA Technology
    12.3 DNA Sequencing
    12.4 Production of Recombinant Gene Products in Industry
    12.5 Bioinformatics
    12.6 The Human Genome Project
    12.7 DNA Microarrays and Functional Genomics

    Chapter 13 The Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes
    13.1 Genome Size and Complexity
    13.2 Organization of the Nuclear Genome
    13.3 Gene Expression
    13.4 Regulation of Gene Expression
    13.5 Development
    13.6 Somatic Nuclear Transfer and Cloning
    13.7 Organelles
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